James H. Aylor

Louis T. Rader Professor and Dean Emeritus, IEEE Fellow, AAAS Fellow

Thornton Hall, Office: E-310
351 McCormick Road
PO Box 400743
Charlottesville, VA 22904-1000

Phone: (434) 982-2178
FAX: (434) 924-8818
Email: jha@virginia.edu

A member of the electrical engineering faculty at the University of Virginia since 1978, Dr. James H. Aylor is currently Louis T. Rader Professor and Dean of the School of Engineering. He was appointed associate dean of academic programs in September 2003. In 2004 Dr. Aylor was appointed interim dean and promoted to dean in July 2005. He served as department chair from 1996-2003. Over the years, he has been an active researcher in the area of complex computer system design including computer technology for persons with disabilities. His most significant accomplishments include participating in the development of the VHSIC Hardware Description Language (VHDL), the development of a new "mixed-level" modeling technology to support the early phases of the computer systems design process, and the development and implementation of automatic test pattern generation techniques. Through his research efforts, he has guided more than 45 graduate students in their master's and doctoral thesis work and published over 145 research papers. Professor Aylor was instrumental in the founding of the Center for Semicustom Integrated Systems within the School of Engineering and Applied Science in 1984 and served as its first Director until 1996. Under his direction, the Center was established as one of the first Technology Development Centers of the Virginia Center for Innovative Technology (VCIT) in 1986. The Center focused on the design and implementation of complex electronic systems. Dr. Aylor has also been extremely active in professional activities both in technical and administrative capacities. In 1993, he served as the President of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) Computer Society and from 1994-1996 he served as a Division Director (and a Board of Directors member) of IEEE. He is a Fellow of the IEEE and past Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Computer, the flagship magazine that is received by the more than 100,000 IEEE Computer Society members. He served as President of the ECEDHA (Electrical & Computer Engineering Department Heads Association). James H. Aylor received the B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from the University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia in 1968, 1971, and 1977, respectively. From 1982 through 1983, he was a Visiting Scientist with IBM Federal Systems Division and participated in their VHSIC program and in the development of the VHSIC Hardware Description Language (VHDL).


  • A Unified Environment for End-to-End System Design (funded by: Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency)
  • Parallel Algorithms for Automatic Test Pattern Generation (funded by: Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency)
  • Education for Modern Rapid Prototyping Design Flows (funded by: South Carolina Research Authoritsy)
  • Implementation of High Bandwidth Memory Systems (funded by: National Science Foundation)